Thursday, 1 November 2012

Naval Radiation Pattern


Human development. While in utero we are sustained and nourished by the umbilical cord. This of course feeds directly into our naval. Even once born, infants still have this intuitive and instinctual habit of curling around the naval and instigating movement from the centre of the body. As we grow and develop we tend to lose this connection.

Lying on our fronts, sinking and relaxing into the floor. Our parter witnesses our breathing and then places a hand where they see the breath as being most present. Then they find the position of the naval as if it was a bolt going through the core of the body and out into the floor. They then begin to trace and  warm the tissues up the back and along the arms and then the legs, and then tracing up to he tip of the skull and down to the tail.

This was a fantastic image both to give and receive. First as a receiver, I felt really grounded by the connection to my naval and therefore my centre. The use of hands-on from my partner felt like energy pathways along each of my limbs and along the length of my spine. For me personally it began to feel less like a starfish and more like the wings of a dragonfly unfurling on my back, the veins of the wings reflecting the veins of my own body. Perhaps similar to the wings of a dragonfly, the energy I felt along my limbs felt fragile and yet strong at the same time. Moving with this awareness made me realise the full length of my limbs in the space and the connection of my head to my tail.


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