Sunday, 27 February 2011

Need to work on:

I do still need to focus on getting my knees in alignment over my toes when in pliet... especially in parallel position...

Is this simply bad technique and a habit i've got into or is my physical build hindering me?
Does anyone know any methods for working on this problem?


(Notes from Journal)


This was a very interesting class focusing on the front and back surfaces of the body and the volume/space in between...the three dimensional dancer!

Opening the window-like spaces between the vertebrae....

Be aware of your skyward surfaces....

SRT and Gossamer Threads

In our latest Skinner Releasing class with Florence, we explored the imagery of gossamer threads - a line of very fine, spider web-like material which can stretch and condense as you move, but if you move too rapidly or with too much force it breaks...

Through the use of this imagery we moved as if the line was attached to both middle fingers...

For me this introduced a whole new style of moving - I felt as if I was moving delicately but at the same time I was condensing and expanding... The imagery of the thread also gave me energy in my fingertips - I was using all of my body while I moved... a very enjoyable class!


Softness... fluidity... melting... breathe... expanding... condensing

Interview with Oana Rotariu
Focus of discussion: Our Paper Portraits exploration

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Investigation with Paper Portraits

As a continuation of our work with paper portarits, I along with another student, Oana, wanted to explore different ways of creating scores with our work and using the paper to roll in...

We began by first going over our previous material stimulated by our portraits... We then explored movement on, underneath and around our 'movement portraits'... The most interesting moment in this exploration was lying underneath the paper and using the rips and tears in the paper to reveal parts of the body...
This section is intended to symbolise our own selves, our personality and our own movement interests...

We then moved on to investigate how it would feel to use someone else's portrait... looking at how they move and what areas of the body they are most fond of... we made contact with parts of the portrait to stimulate movement in the others body...

We also wanted to investigate the possibilities of doing the roll in paper as a duet... This made it difficult to roll and explore and we were very dependent on each other, responding to each others moments of stillness as well as the speed of the roll... I think this looked really effective especially when we both emerged from the paper.
This section is intended to symbolise us bringing together our two personalities, combining our movement, experiences and going on an adventure together...
Tearing off pieces of the paper we created a physical representation of our 'hearts'. These we then offered to each other as a symbol of friendship...

A really enjoyable and intriguing experience!!

Exploring movement underneath our 'movement portraits'...

Only parts of the body visible through the rips - very visually interesting...

Moving with our 'movement portrait'...

Emerging from the paper...

Exploring the possibilities for movement in the paper as a duet...

Preparing in the space...

Our portraits in the space...

Working in the studio - exploring and investigating with Paper Portraits...
It is always important to reflect back on my movement and see where I need to improve - this is how I will develop as a dance artist. Taking the idea from the Siobhan Davies Archive,, I am trying to record myself moving as much as possible - This really helps my development and it has been quite surprising what I have found out about myself!!

Observations of a Siobhan Davies piece:

Looking through the Siobhan Davies Replay archive, I was able to compile a 'scrapbook' of pieces of work I found interesting. This included videos showing studio improvisations during rehearsal as well as final filmed performances to an audience. I already had a connection to a couple of the pieces, such as 'Wyoming' and 'Bird Song' having studied them previously, but it was fascinating to see the huge range of works that I had never seen before and read about the stimuli for each of them.
What interested me most about the archive was not watching the final performances but rather watching the rehearsals in the studio space. There is something very appealing and special about seeing snippets of the raw movement that ultimately ends up in a full length performance. One rehearsal video I saw used thin plastic rods attached to the costume of the artist, which bent as she moved them and created some truly beautiful shapes around her body, framing her as she moved and manipulated them.

Studio Practice

During this exercise I was focusing so much on my arm placement and upper body allignment that I became flat footed and careless with my legs and feet...

Studio Practice

Natalie's Floor Routine
I need to improve: my lines and placement - complete each movement
What I think I did well: softness and melting into the floor

Studio Practice

Natalie's Choreography
Need to work on: fluidity and continuous movement
What I think I did well: Release amd breathing into movement

Notes from SRT Class with Florence...

A few notes taken after our SRT class with Florence...

SRT Class


Skinner Releasing Technique with Florence

This was a brilliant class for me - I felt myself really connecting to what Florence was saying, the imagery she was using...

Marionette Strings - suspending the head, the knees, the hands and so on - this visual stimulus really made me move in a different way and pay attention to my body moving, I felt lighter and more balanced in my movement, imagining my head to be floating up the sky even when melting into the support of the ground.

Partner Graphic - With a partner we went through several exercises that improved our alighment and awareness of the body. One of the most interesting exercises for me suspending our partners torso by placing our hands underneath the persons last ribs and gently lifting upwards, taking the weight of their torso. This felt odd but seemed to release the tension I was feeling in my chest...