Sunday, 30 September 2012

Thoughts and ponderings...

I am an explorer.

I have a need for adventure. A craving. An itch, if you will.

To dance is to discover and explore. It is a journey that continues to surprise and enthral. 

It can take you along rivers of thought and through the dense forests of knowledge.  It can challenge you to the mountainous highs and the deep valley lows of discovery and success.

To share it with others is part of the thrill.

Monday, 17 September 2012

My summer inspiration

Photos from my summer. Taken around the UK, from the Lake District, Scotland and my back garden! Loch-side walk The spider's web Lily pond in the lakes

'A new start'

Perhaps it is unsurprising that I found my second year a challenge to say the least. Dealing with the stresses of illness, fatigue and at times depression, made it difficult to maintain any kind of organisation, work ethic or creative drive that I had prided myself on in the years before. This summer break has allowed me to re-connect with my family and enjoy a lifestyle away from the city and from the university where I have spent so much of my time. Fortunate as I am to live in the countryside, surrounded by fields, hills and woodland, I felt able to draw a real sense of peace and tranquillity from my surroundings. I guess the most appropriate word for this is PERSPECTIVE. A reminder that I am a tiny part of this ever-changing world and it is up to me to make the best of it. Perhaps there is a certain level of irony in the fact that it was the reminder of my own mortality that brought me 'back to life'.

It is this refreshed 'perspective' that gives me the push I need to send me in to what I hope will be my most productive, creative, motivating and challenging year yet!
To think that this time next year I will have finished my degree and will be searching for my next challenge fills me with an ambivalent mixture of excitement and dread!

My theme for this next year of work will be the notion of travel, adventure, and what drives us to reach for new places, new challenges...

Perhaps most important to me is the concept of site and space, whether this means returning to that ever-present pull of the natural environment, in the fields, woods, hills and coastline that I love so much, or perhaps the draw of more urban, unused spaces...

                    How does our choice of space and site impact on our creative choices?
              How does our choice of space and site effect how our work is viewed by others?